Hetastarch (Hydroxyethyl Starch; HES)
A to Z Drug Facts
Hetastarch (Hydroxyethyl Starch; HES) |
(HET-uh-starch) |
Hespan |
Class: Plasma expander |
Action Produces expansion of plasma volume. Does not have oxygen-carrying capacity or contain plasma protein, so it is not blood or plasma substitute.
Indications Adjunct therapy for plasma volume expansion in shock due to hemorrhage, burns, surgery, sepsis, or other trauma; adjunct in leukapheresis to improve harvesting and increase yield of granulocytes.
Contraindications Severe bleeding disorders; severe cardiac failure; renal failure with oliguria or anuria.
Plasma Volume Expansion
ADULTS: IV 500 to 1000 ml/day; dosage does not usually exceed 1500 ml/day.
ADULTS: IV 250 to 700 ml.
Interactions None well documented.
Lab Test Interferences May alter coagulation and result in transient prolongation of prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), bleeding and clotting times, decreased Hct and excessive plasma protein dilution; increases indirect bilirubin concentrations.
CNS: Headache. DERM: Itching. EENT: Submaxillary and parotid glandular enlargement. GI: Vomiting. OTHER: Anaphylactoid reactions (eg, periorbital edema, urticaria, wheezing, mild temperature elevation); chills; mild influenza-like symptoms; muscle pain; peripheral edema of lower extremities.
Pregnancy: Category C. Lactation: Undetermined. Children: No data available. Special risk patients: Due to possibility of circulatory overload, take special care when administering to patients with renal impairment, at risk of pulmonary edema, or with CHF. Hypersensitivity: May cause anaphylactoid reactions.
Copyright © 2003 Facts and Comparisons
David S. Tatro
A to Z Drug Facts